What is Digital Marketing?
First, let’s discuss what a digital marketer does. A digital marketer uses electronic devices such as iPads, smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc., basically any kind of electronic device, to engage a target market. A digital marketer will apply technology, such as e-mail, apps, website and social networks for use in marketing strategies.
Why is Digital Marketing on the Rise for Freelancers?
Although this area of work is growing rapidly and becoming more widespread with the advancement of technology, it is increasing among the freelance community due to the complexity of the job itself. More and more companies are now hiring freelance digital marketers in order to downsize 9-5 employees and take advantage of hiring freelancers who meet the core skills required to get the job done correctly.
Employers also fear falling behind the competition if they do not have a great online presence. It is well known that outsourcing to a freelance digital marketer is meant for a lean approach.
What Skills Should You Possess?
Are you interested in digital marketing? First and foremost, a Digital Marketer should have the knowledge to devise tested strategies in order to drive online traffic to the VSN Clients website. In addition, as a freelancer, you should also be well versed in the following:
- Tracking Conversion Rates
- Developing and Managing Campaigns
- Paid Search, SEO, and PPC
- Overseeing Social Media
- Raising Brand Awareness
- Redesigning the Website
- Improving Usability
- Evaluating Research, Market Conditions and Competitor Data
- Keeping Company Informed of New Technologies and Advances
- Researching and Analyzing Data
- Pay Per Click
- Content Management Systems (WordPress)
- Editorial Calendar
These are just to name some basics. Digital Marketing is wide-ranging and the skill set is infinite.
How can you get into the Freelancing Scene as a Digital Marketer?
This is the easy part. There are a number of freelancing sites across the web. Virtual Sales Network (www.virtualsalesnetwork.com) VSN is one of the top-rated sites among many today.
Once you have joined the site, you will proceed to create a profile, keeping in mind that the way you present yourself in your profile is a reflection of YOU. When someone reads your profile they are creating a mental picture in their mind of who you are. Be sure to be grammatically correct, use proper punctuation and be interesting. If you have prior work to show, download what you have in your portfolio. If not, do not fret. After your first couple of jobs, you will be able to start creating a good portfolio. Until then, you will need a good cover letter to send to potential employers when you bid on a job.
When your profile is complete and looking good (have it looked over by someone else if you need to), now you can start bidding on jobs. Be patient. The jobs will not all come flowing in at once. Maybe not right away anyway. Be vigilant and keep bidding, making sure you are not underbidding or overbidding yourself. You should know ahead of time what the job is worth.
Go above and beyond to please the employer. That’s where your good reviews will come in (you get a review on your profile for each job you complete). Now that you’ve got excellent reviews on your page, the jobs will start coming to you easier.
That’s it! You’re on the road to success!
2018 update
Lately, I have been researching job websites to check out some of the trends in the “employee hiring process” with the focus on skills. What I have found still holds true. Employers will look at your skills and portfolio First. So just as with any landing page, if you cannot hold the employer’s attention at this first step, you will lose their attention. So I have taken it upon myself to really implement those changes here at VSN to make your profiles stand out even better. join us and become a VSNPro to increase interest in your offers and digital presence.
While you are at it, create a custom QR Code to insert into your media material. This is one of our new features that will help any small business owner with their digital marketing campaign.
Happy marketing!
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