Be a Better Freelance Writer

What Is Freelance Writing?

work from anywhere

Simply put, an individual who writes for others and does not belong to any specific single company or organization, but rather acts as their own small business or independent contractor is a freelance writer. In this day and age of technology, there are hundreds of thousands of writing opportunities out there. Making the most of these opportunities is where the art of freelancing comes into play.

It is possible to make this a full-time career earning a good living or simply a part-time job to supplement your income, save for a special trip or have extra spending money to spoil yourself.

Let’s take a look at some basics that can ease you into freelance writing.
Be a Good Writer

This may seem obvious, but being a good writer takes more than just creativity. You must possess good skills in grammar, punctuation, syntax, sentence structure, etc. You must also commit to writing just about every day. If you don’t hold all of the skills above, you may want to consider getting a degree in English or simply taking a class or two to brush up on these skills.

There are also online writing programs where you can get a certification in writing in 18 months or less.


Some points to consider

  • Decide whether you would like to write fiction or nonfiction, although non-fiction is usually an easier sell.
  • Decide whether you want to write for a living, supplement your income or just for fun. Knowing what you are striving for will impact the approach you take when starting your business.
  • Be prepared to put in the time and effort if you are considering full-time freelance writing, as building a business will require a lot of hard work to establish yourself.
  • Be sure to support your expertise by using good qualifications like a degree, certification, or even previous publications. Like anything, it is a competitive profession, and it is best to stand out.

Communicate Effectively

Know that effective communication is a must. You’re going to need to market yourself and chase leads in order to build your business. You will be required, most times, to have a quick turnaround on the work you are hired to do and be available according to the client’s needs. Being able to negotiate and interact effectively is a huge plus. However, most of the time this can be done by e-mail.

Learn how to write a brief, but convincing query letter. This explains the concept of what you are proposing to write and includes your experience and qualifications. This is the letter that will sell you and will become a regular part of your daily routine.

Understand That Writers Need a Thick Skin

You will occasionally have to deal with the difficult client who is never happy with anything, and your work will occasionally be rejected. Make it a point to learn from these dealings and then shrug it off and move on to the next job.

multi task freelancer

Balance the Joys of Working at Home with Being Social

Yes, is it awesome to work from home and be your own boss? However, it can get lonely at times. If you feel you are starting to feel lonely or cooped up, be sure to have a portable laptop with Wi-Fi capability, and just make it a point to get out and write elsewhere, i.e. the library, a coffeehouse, basically anywhere you feel like part of society again.

Self-Discipline/Good Money Management

Be organized. Have a good writing station set up with all of the references and tools you will need to be profitable. Also, be sure to take care of your posture! Writing all day can do terrible things to posture.

Don’t take on more than you can handle. Although the money may seem nice if you can’t get the work done effectively and on time, it will do your business no good and could get you a bad review of your profile.

Freelance Writing

Put financial systems in place for invoices, billing, reminders, etc. It is extremely important to keep on top of payments and finances.

Take that leap of faith! And while you’re at it, sit down at night and start that novel you’ve been wanting to write. Before you know it, it will be done!

Article Written By Kelly Martin View Her Profile Here

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